COVID-19 Information

These guidelines are based on the Highland Church COVID-19 Safety Plan for the Return to In-person Worship. This plan reflects guidance by the National Center of Disease Control .

Updated:  December 13, 2022

We need your help to keep everyone healthy:

Face coverings are recommended for all guests entering into the building.

 Please check with the church calendar to see which ministries meet virtually.

Once daily enhanced cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces.

Childcare is NOT provided at this time.

Comfort room provided for children under the age of 5 years at the 10:30 AM service only.

Holy Communion will be celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. You will receive your individual communion kit from an Usher before entering the sanctuary.

Offering plates will not be passed. You may place your offering in the offering baskets at the time of the offering.


Highland Church will continue to monitor local case activity and New York State guidance and will notify the congregation via text or email and the church website should circumstances require changes to our worship plans.

Highland's Safety Actions:

Chemicals and equipment capable of disinfection will be used on surfaces to eliminate COVID19.  We use EPA-recommended solutions to disinfect against the coronavirus. Highland Church currently maintains a robust discipline of regular  housekeeping, including cleaning and disinfection of frequently used equipment and high touch surfaces for those spaces which are used by the staff during the work-week. These cleaning and disinfection procedures are under the direction of the church building manager.  In developing a plan for the return to in-person worship by church members and visitors, the existent cleaning and disinfection discipline is being expanded to include those areas where church members and visitors may transit, gather or use. These include: Chapel, Sanctuary, Altar, Main Hallway, Female and Male restrooms.

Updated June 17, 2021

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